What is the best way to surface errors from a comp...
# package-authoring
What is the best way to surface errors from a component resource package? I can't seem to get a stack trace to show up but I'd like one.
I just throw a ResourceError. Can you expand on what's not working for you? • What language are you using? • Where are you throwing your error from (constructor, other method)? • Where are you expecting to see the error? • How are you using your ComponentResource that ought to be producing an error but isn't?
Wow I am so sorry I never saw this response @little-cartoon-10569. • What language are you using? ◦ Python • Where are you throwing your error from (constructor, other method)? ◦ the error originated deeper within the code, but iirc most of the problems we've had are with the runtime throwing errors • Where are you expecting to see the error? ◦ In the pulumi program within which I'm declaring an instance of the component resource. • How are you using your ComponentResource that ought to be producing an error but isn't? ◦ Just declaring it in a program in another language (TS, Go)
This won't answer your question, but: Typically, ComponentResources are defined in the language that they're used in. Multi-language packages typically export CustomResource classes, rather than the simpler, lighter-weight ComponentResource classes. Maybe there's something extra required for using ComponentResources across languages?
Yeah we originally wanted to adopt component resources for the advantage of using them across languages. Now we're just planning on settling on Go for everything
In and of themselves, ComponentResources aren't multi-language. You have to produce a multi-language package for that.