Hello. I'm a beginner to cloud and recently starte...
# getting-started
Hello. I'm a beginner to cloud and recently started learning Pulumi. I'm stuck at the "pulumi new" itself. I'm getting "error: prepare console: set console mode: the parameter is incorrect". I've tried searching online but did not get any proper solution. It would be great if someone could help me out with this. Thanks in advance!
Where did you run
pulumi new
From the Pulumi website itself. Was following the steps to set up s3 using python. This one-https://www.pulumi.com/docs/clouds/aws/get-started/begin/
Are you on Windows?
Yes. Using 8.1. Tried this method in command prompt, PowerShell and VS Code
You might need to use PowerShell instead. I would also suggest using the latest PowerShell version for 8.1. Also side note, you should use a newer Windows version if you can. I don't know how much help you'll get if you run into other problems with 8.1.
Thank you. Will try it
Updated PowerShell and Pulumi to their latest version, but still getting the same error
Can you record a screencast of what you are doing and post it here in this thread?
I have also opened an issue in github also. Below is what I'm doing