Coming across the error below, not sure the cause....
# getting-started
Coming across the error below, not sure the cause. Duration of deployment seems absurdly high. Any ideas? View in Browser (Ctrl+O): Type Name Status Info pulumipulumiStack infra-dev running... Type Name Status Info pulumipulumiStack infra-dev running. └─ awsxecrImage image Type Name Status Info pulumipulumiStack infra-dev running. ├─ awsxecrImage image ~ │ └─ dockerindexImage 943b18a1-container updated (1102s) [diff: ~build]; └─ awsxecsFargateService service Type Name Status Info pulumipulumiStack infra-dev failed 1 error ├─ awsxecrImage image ~ │ └─ dockerindexImage 943b18a1-container updated (1102s) [diff: ~build]; 1 warning └─ awsxecsFargateService service ├─ awsxecsFargateTaskDefinition service +- │ └─ awsecsTaskDefinition service replaced (0.00s) [diff: ~containerDefinitions,family] ~ └─ awsecsService service updating failed [diff: ~loadBalancers,taskDefinition]; 1 error Diagnostics: pulumipulumiStack (infra-dev): error: update failed awsecsService (service): error: 1 error occurred: * updating urnpulumidev:infraawsxecs:FargateService$awsecs/serviceService:service 1 error occurred: * waiting for ECS Service (arnawsecsus east 19268219756:service/cluster-c8a4247/service-af3dbc6) update: timeout while waiting for state to become 'tfSTABLE' (last state: 'tfPENDING', timeout: 20m0s) dockerindexImage (943b18a1-container): warning: It looks like you are trying to dockerignore a build file such as
. To avoid accidentally copying these files to your image, please ensure any copied file systems do not include
. Resources: ~ 1 updated +-1 replaced 2 changes. 18 unchanged Duration: 38m33s
This is likely due to the recent Docker changes whereby now we must explicitly state the
. See
Not sure this is it. The platform is specified twice in my code: repository = awsx.ecr.Repository("repository") image = awsx.ecr.Image("image", repository_url=repository.url, context="..", platform='linux/x86_64', ) cluster = aws.ecs.Cluster("cluster") lb ="lb") service = awsx.ecs.FargateService("service", cluster=cluster.arn, assign_public_ip=True, desired_count=2, platform_version="LATEST", task_definition_args=awsx.ecs.FargateServiceTaskDefinitionArgs( container=awsx.ecs.TaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionArgs( name="chainlit", image=image.image_uri, port_mappings=[awsx.ecs.TaskDefinitionPortMappingArgs( target_group=lb.default_target_group, )], cpu=2048, memory=512, essential=True, ), log_group=awsx.ecs.TaskDefinitionLogConfigurationArgs( log_driver="awslogs", options={ "awslogs-group": "chainlit", "awslogs-region": "us-east-1", "awslogs-create-group": "true", "awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs", } ) ))