Hello. I was wondering if any of you had documenta...
# pulumi-deployments
Hello. I was wondering if any of you had documentation for setting up a shared S3 backend for deploying stack resources in different AWS accounts. I created an AWS CodePipeline to deploy "dev" resources to account "a" which is where the S3 backend resides. I created a second CodePipeline in account "a" to deploy "prod" resources to account "b". Account "b" has a role that the CodePipeline project in account "a" can assume which works, but I lose access to the shared S3 backend in account "a" after assuming the role in account "b"' (not surprising). I have ideas for how I can make this work, but I want to make sure that I'm using the right tool for the job instead of trying to use a hammer on a screw. This is a non-issue for Pulumi cloud, but I was hoping to mock up a project before getting a Pulumi Cloud subscription so my team could play around with it.
There is a free trial for pulumi cloud (and we can extend the length of those if you need more time) if you plan on going that route in the long run.
Thanks, Evan. I debated a trial but my team sometimes has to be deprioritize tasks and I could see this one falling into that category. I’ll look at the trial again and request it if it can be extended. One requirement that I have to meet using cloud products is a HECVAT assessment (https://library.educause.edu/resources/2020/4/higher-education-community-vendor-assessment-toolkit#tools). I was unable to find one for Pulimi Cloud. Do you know if this assessment exists today?
You'll need to reach out to support@pulumi.com to request certification details.