is it possible to modify and existing eks cluster ...
# getting-started
is it possible to modify and existing eks cluster not created by pulumi?
import it into pulumi first then u should be able to set diff
pulumi aws providers are build on top of terraform using pulumi bridge
as long as tf provider supports import pulumi should support import as well
but don't quote me on that
but still the first step is to import and check the state. of the stack
But FYI you are making pulumi manage ur resources. Be careful of what u doing 🙂
Copy code
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";

// Existing EKS Cluster
const clusterName = "my_existing_cluster";

// Import it to Pulumi
const eksCluster = new aws.eks.Cluster(clusterName, {}, {
  import: clusterName,
thank you