Hey everyone, very new to Pulumi and cloud infrast...
# aws
Hey everyone, very new to Pulumi and cloud infrastructure as code. This stuff is really cool! My goal is to create a EKS cluster and install ArgoCD. One of my teammates is able to install JupyterHub onto the cluster provided that ArgoCD is installed in the cluster. I started out by following the Python instruction guide here: https://www.pulumi.com/templates/kubernetes/aws/ How would I install ArgoCD on the cluster? Anyone have any ideas here?
I am very new to ArgoCD. My company is just about to do this. I am pretty seasoned with pulumi. Does Argo run inside your EKS cluster? I assume there would be a helm chart for it? I have some example code that deploys a helm chart into an EKS cluster that I can share with you.
@astonishing-dentist-11149: I'd be interested in that example code too!
That would be really awesome @astonishing-dentist-11149 We managed to install Argo on EKS, but we wanted to figure out how to do it using pulumi. I should have a helm chart for it
Okay let me get it together! It is very simple. We use helm charts to deploy into our eks clusters all the time.
Any luck finding anything? @astonishing-dentist-11149
Sorry about that, I got pulled into a produciton issue.
It is not very complex. But this is how we generically deploy helm charts. I use this code to demo our EKS pulumi code to the other teams. Looks like some one has changed it recently, but it all looks right to me. This code generates the cluster in a new VPC and then deploys my demo_app as a helm chart. So wrap your Argo config into a chart (below is a decent template to get you started) and you can deploy the same way. This would live along side the rest of your pulumi code that builds up your EKS cluster, or in a stack that can get access to that cluster information. For the demo app I just cloned this down and made adjustments for me demo. https://github.com/helm/examples/tree/main
Beautiful thank you!