Has anyone tried using Vault with cert-manager thr...
# kubernetes
Has anyone tried using Vault with cert-manager through Pulumi? We’re trying to generate a secret ID to use for authentication through AppRole according to the cert-manager docs for Vault but getting this error:
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  vault:appRole:AuthBackendRoleSecretId (new-auth-backend-role-secret-id):
    error: unrecognized resource type (Check): vault:appRole/authBackendRoleSecretId:AuthBackendRoleSecretId
Our code following the Pulumi Vault docs, and the offending line is at the bottom using `approle.NewAuthBackendRoleSecretId`:
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import (
	mount "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vault/sdk/v5/go/vault"
	approle "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vault/sdk/v5/go/vault/approle"


		caRole, _ := pkisecret.NewSecretBackendRole(pulumiContext, "ca-role", &pkisecret.SecretBackendRoleArgs{
			Backend: pulumi.String(enginePath),
			Name:    pulumi.String(caRoleName),
			AllowedDomains: pulumi.StringArray{
			AllowSubdomains: pulumi.Bool(true),
			MaxTtl:          pulumi.String("2592000"),
		}, pulumi.Provider(vaultprovider))

		appRole, _ := mount.NewAuthBackend(pulumiContext, "approle", &mount.AuthBackendArgs{
			Type: pulumi.String("approle"),
		}, pulumi.Provider(vaultprovider))

		backendRole, _ := approle.NewAuthBackendRole(pulumiContext, "pkiapprole", &approle.AuthBackendRoleArgs{
			Backend:  appRole.Path,
			RoleName: pulumi.String("test-role"),
			TokenPolicies: pulumi.StringArray{
		}, pulumi.Provider(vaultprovider), pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{

		policy, _ := mount.NewPolicy(pulumiContext, "my-policy", &mount.PolicyArgs{
			Name: pulumi.String("cert-issuer-policy"),
			Policy: pulumi.String(`path "intermediate-ca/sign/cert-issuer-role" {
		  capabilities = ["read", "list", "create", "update"]
		}, pulumi.Provider(vaultprovider), pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{
			caRole, appRole,

		secretId, _ := approle.NewAuthBackendRoleSecretId(pulumiContext, "new-auth-backend-role-secret-id", &approle.AuthBackendRoleSecretIdArgs{
			Backend:  appRole.Path,
			RoleName: backendRole.RoleName,
		}, pulumi.Provider(vaultprovider), pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{
			caRole, appRole, backendRole, policy,
What does this mean? Seems like some people experience this by passing in the wrong provider but in our case we pass in the same Vault provider throughout. Thoughts? Thanks!
you misspelled the vault import
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should instead be
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We tried that but it turns out:
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could not import <http://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vault/sdk/v5/go/vault/appRole|github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vault/sdk/v5/go/vault/appRole> (no required module provides package "<http://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vault/sdk/v5/go/vault/appRole|github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vault/sdk/v5/go/vault/appRole>")
Yeah I agree. The package is name "approle" in lowercase, as you can see here: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vault/tree/master/sdk/go/vault/approle
looks like it's a typo in the docs then. sorry, all i can say right now is I have Vault with cert-manager working and my code is very similar to yours, but it's in TypeScript
Thanks. We ended up communicating directly with the Vault pod using client-go to do this. Would’ve preferred Pulumi handle it. But it works for now.