I am trying to install cloudnative-pg in my cluste...
# kubernetes
I am trying to install cloudnative-pg in my cluster and I seem to be having some difficulties with the overall lack of clearness. I create a helm release for it and it installs
Copy code
const release = createHelmRelease({
    name: 'cnpg',
    chart: 'cloudnative-pg',
    repo: '<https://cloudnative-pg.github.io/charts>',
But upon looking at the pods and services for cnpg, I only see one thing each relating to cnpg. I see no databases setup at all. See
kube get
results below. Am I supposed to be seeing anything else?
are you familiar with operators? It’s installed an operator that will reconcile a certain CRD, so this is expected behaviour
Ah. I guess I have some more learning to do on k8s. Thank you!