Hi all, we’re looking for probably two people for ...
# jobs
Hi all, we’re looking for probably two people for a one off gig. We need to set up our SaaS to be sold through GCP Marketplace and AWS Marketplace, and hosted on GCP and AWS - every subscription is a separate deployment (kind of single tenant) which consists of a k8s cluster and some storage mounted + on Azure we’re using Front Door for SSL termination - I’ve already handled the Azure one. Conceptually, the architecture and the processes on all clouds should be the same - as much as possible. Since we’re in a kind of rush, let me know even if you don’t have experience with the Marketplace part - we still need someone to nail down the IaC part, and we’ll figure out the calls to the Marketplace APIs.
@cool-jewelry-33023 just curious if you are still looking for someone to help you with this effort?
@clever-sunset-76585 just saw your message, sorry. We ended up taking care of GCP internally, and AWS has been postponed for a few months.
Hi @cool-jewelry-33023 thank you for getting back to me. If you need help with the AWS infra in a few months I'd be interested in working together! So let me know. My email is
Thanks @clever-sunset-76585 Infra is not a problem - reading the documentation about integrating with the marketplace, about handling the users, the subscriptions, about usage based reporting, about different marketplace plans, changes in subscriptions, etc - that stuff takes time to figure out, and then build the APIs, and all the other needed services... I was hoping that I'll find someone who has done it at least once, so that we save time on the guessing part.
Got it. I was going off your original message. Thank you for clarifying what you are looking for. I suggest updating your original message with that information. Or maybe a new message in the channel in the off-chance someone who has that experience sees the notification. It seems that specific experience with the cloud provider marketplaces is more important than the infra part. That said, I am happy to have conversations with you if you are still looking for help later. As you said, it takes some time but as someone who deals with APIs and publishing to other kinds of marketplaces, I believe I can help your team with figuring it out.