I'm encountering an issue where the docker contain...
# getting-started
I'm encountering an issue where the docker container image property remains constant, yet Pulumi detects a difference due to the image property now being represented by a sha256 value. Any suggestions?
You're changing the value of "image". Was that intentional? What resource is this a property of? What should be in the image property? It looks like either the new, the old or both values are wrong.
I'm executing a "pulumi up" without modifying any code properties, yet it appears to interpret the 'image' property as a sha256 value, resulting in a detected difference.
Fixed it by using correct image property value.
Copy code
const ngingxImage = new docker.RemoteImage(
    name: "nginx:stable-alpine3.17-slim",
  { provider: dockerRemote }

const nginxContainer = new docker.Container(
    // Use the Nginx image from the Docker Hub
    image: ngingxImage.imageId,
    // Map port 80 from the container to the host
    ports: [
        internal: 80,
        external: 80,
  { provider: dockerRemote }