:wave: Hello! I'm using <gcp:firebaserules:Ruleset...
# google-cloud
👋 Hello! I'm using gcp:firebaserules:Ruleset with the following YAML config:
Copy code
    type: gcp:firebaserules:Ruleset
          - name: "firestore.rules"
            content: |
              service cloud.firestore {
                match /databases/{database}/documents { 
                  match /{document=**} { 
                    allow read, write: if false; 
However, when I do
pulumi up
I can see that in Firestore the timestamp of my rules seems to have been updated but I'm still seeing
allow read, write: if true;
, instead of
which is what I'd like to set it to. Not seeing any errors and manually updating the rules works. Am I missing something in the setup?
Hmm I wonder if it's a Firebase/GCP UI issue... when I manually update a rule in the console I can see the previous rule that was in place and it does match what I set via Pulumi, even though previously it didn't show the right value on the UI. I'll try out actual invocations to the DB to confirm. Very strange!
The rest api docs talk about needing to also "release" your rulesets after deploying them. In the console, this is called "publish". Perhaps you need this as well? https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/gcp/api-docs/firebaserules/release/
Hmm in theory that makes sense but even with that additional resource the rules still aren’t getting published 🤔 I may be missing something. I asked pulimi AI but it didn’t mention the release resource unless specifically prompted for it.
Alright, after a bunch of trial and error and attempting the setup on a new project I got this to update properly. I think I created and destroyed my infra way too many times with way too many errors for it to have worked on my first GCP project - was getting 400s in the end and couldn't destroy the stack anymore 😅 Here's the final setup I've got for the resources:
Copy code
    type: gcp:firebaserules:Ruleset
          - name: "firestore.rules"
            content: "service cloud.firestore {match /databases/{database}/documents { match /{document=**} { allow read, write: if true; } } }"
    type: gcp:firebaserules:Release
      name: "cloud.firestore"
      rulesetName: "projects/pulumitest2-409018/rulesets/${firestoreRuleset.name}"
        - ${firestoreRuleset}
The Terraform docs also helped, especially around understanding what the arguments should be.
Specifically this
Firestore Rules Releases will always have the name 'cloud.firestore'
which I was messing with and clearly broke somehow