Is there a way to use a terraform provider in pulu...
# getting-started
Is there a way to use a terraform provider in pulumi without actually following the steps outline in the terraform-bridge repo? So, I'm looking for a dynamic way, similar to how CDKTF generates the code of a provider on the fly. Your AI gave me an answer that doesn't seem to work, but it actually shows what I'm trying to achieve:
no, there’s no way to do that
Is there a reason this doesn't exist - besides budget / resource constraints?
Just lack of engineering time. It’s actually something we are planning to explore next quarter.
That would be awesome
@ancient-policeman-24615 Is there a github issue I can track? Right now this is one of the reasons why I'm thinking of going back to CDKTF. 😕
There isn’t a public facing issue right now. Can I ask what your usecase is?
Well, Terraform has thousands of providers. When working with Terraform, I can be certain that there will be a provider. E.g. ansible, bitbucket cloud, Hetzner DNS and more. Even if someone else already did the work to provide a bridge, it might be outdated.