Hi there! I’m doing a very basic setup: ```"use s...
# getting-started
Hi there! I’m doing a very basic setup:
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"use strict";
const pulumi = require("@pulumi/pulumi");
const aws = require("@pulumi/aws");
const awsx = require("@pulumi/awsx");
const eks = require("@pulumi/eks");
const k8s = require("@pulumi/kubernetes");

// Function to create an EKS cluster in a given region
function createEksCluster(region) {
    // Set the AWS region for the resources
    const provider = new aws.Provider("aws-provider-${region}", { region });

    // Create a VPC for our cluster
    const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc("test-vpc", {}, { provider: provider, numberOfAvailabilityZones: 1 } );

    // Create an EKS cluster
    const cluster = new eks.Cluster("test", {
        vpcId: vpc.id,
        subnetIds: vpc.publicSubnetIds,
        instanceType: "t2.medium",
        desiredCapacity: 1,
        minSize: 1,
        maxSize: 2,
    }, {}, { provider });

    return cluster;

function createStatefulSet(cluster) {
    const name = "test-ss";
    const statefulSet = new k8s.apps.v1.StatefulSet(name, {
        metadata: { name: name },
        spec: {
            serviceName: name,
            replicas: 1,
            selector: { matchLabels: { app: name } },
            template: {
                metadata: { labels: { app: name } },
                spec: {
                    containers: [{
                        name: name,
                        image: "nginx", // As an example, replace with required image
    }, { provider: cluster.provider });
    return statefulSet;

// Create EKS clusters in the desired regions
// const clusterUSEast1 = createEksCluster("us-east-1");
const clusterFrankfurt = createEksCluster("eu-central-1");

// Export the kubeconfig for each cluster
// exports.kubeconfigUSEast1 = clusterUSEast1.kubeconfig;
exports.kubeconfigFrankfurt = clusterFrankfurt.kubeconfig;
However when deployed i get the error that the error InvalidParameterException: The subnet ID ‘subnet-__________’ does not exist. I can clearly see the subnet when i look in the aws console so im not sure whats going on (and its being created by my code)
It looks like you've passed too many objects to the Cluster resource, so it won't be using the correct provider
Is the provider supposed to be the second object?
Oddly then i get the error:
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failed with an unhandled exception:
    Error: It looks like you're using an explicit AWS provider. Please specify this provider in providerCredentialOpts.
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// Create an EKS cluster
    const cluster = new eks.Cluster("test", {
        vpcId: vpc.id,
        subnetIds: vpc.publicSubnetIds,
        instanceType: "t2.medium",
        desiredCapacity: 1,
        minSize: 1,
        maxSize: 2,
    }, { provider });
https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-eks/blob/master/nodejs/eks/cluster.ts#L1707 which i guess happens if you pass it as the third arg
(Also thank you so much for your help! im new and have been banging on this all day)
https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/eks/api-docs/cluster/#providercredentialopts_nodejs I'm not that familiar with EKS auth, but hope you can work it out now you're unblocked
Ahh so its some sort of auth issue! Thank you!