How are aws.Provider resources typically configure...
# pulumi-deployments
How are aws.Provider resources typically configured when supporting Pulumi Deployments? Does the default provider work? If I don't want to use the default provider, do I need to create an instance of aws.Provider using the default profile? The only snippet I can find that seems to describe how to do it is this bit at
The fetched credentials are published in the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN environment variables.
I'm probably confusing myself because my project uses more than one aws.Provider, to deploy to different accounts / regions. I'm guessing that the only way to achieve this with Pulumi Deployments is to set up new Profiles that use source_role_arn, but if I do this, where are the profiles stored? There is no ~/.aws/config file.
Pulumi ESC seems like the way around this, but I want to work on that separately, later; I'm doing a PoC on Pulumi Deployments, which needs to complete before I start the PoC on Pulumi ESC.
Do your different providers use separate sets of credentials?
We have a project that does this but the credentials for account 1 assume a role in account 2
Yes, at the moment. The current solution uses different AWS profiles, which use the same base creds.
I'd rather not have role assumption in code; the AWS profile solution is working nicely.
But if that's the best solution, I can do that.
You could write the
file in prerun commands?
Is that available in Pulumi deployments? And can I set up pre-run commands using another project? I was reading about setting up Deployments via IaC just a few minutes ago... that'd be a good solution if it's valid.
ah yeah you should be able to write whatever files you need using prerun commands. and yes you can define your deployment settings using the pulumiservice provider
Cool, then that'll be what I'll work on next 🙂 Thanks again!