is the stack name billing prohibited? I seem to no...
# getting-started
is the stack name billing prohibited? I seem to not be allowed to make a stack named this.
Copy code
error: could not create stack: [400] Bad Request: the project name "billing" is reserved
I believe it is a reserved name, but I'm having issues finding where that's documented at the moment.
Coincidence much? I've just deployed a stack in a project called "deployments" and that's causing problems 🙂 It needs to be reserved too! The problem is that project pages don't have a special grub/path, so the "Deployments" page has the same path as the "deployments" project. I presume that's the same reason that "billing" is reserved, since there's a "Billing" page.
a helm release named billing suddenly stopped working in a new method I was trying to get helm charts installed more reliably but my old method handles it fine.
Hopefully you can rename the Pulumi project fairly easily? Shouldn't need to mess with your Helm charts and releases.
I have seen a bunch of weird errors of "release does not exist" it cannot be created and "release does exist" cannot be created.
yeah and I played around with Project names its weird
and of course the old stand by "was created, but failed to initialize completely." in 8 minutes.
I've asked for a complete list of reserved names; I'll share here once I get it.
During tidy-up, the stack wasn't visible from my CLI (
pulumi stack ls
showed nothing). I could still destroy and rm it, by providing the stack name to each command.
@little-cartoon-10569 Thanks for creating that issue; I'll attach it/reference it from my request to get a list of all the reserved project names.