Hey all :wave: I noticed there is an official VS C...
# getting-started
Hey all 👋 I noticed there is an official VS Code extension for Yaml, but none for typescript; I've spent probably thousands of hours working with Pulumi TS at this point and have come up with a fair arsenal of macros, transformations, etc for it. My intent as of right now is to just publish it as a 3rd party VS Code plugin. Is there any interest from the Pulumi team in setting up a collaboration project or repo for it?
Typescript is VSCode's primary language, it's all enabled by default.
Or do you mean a plugin for Pulumi Typescript?
^ This one 🙂
Mine has a number of decent warnings; when to use apply/interpolate, for example, is one that I use quite a bit
I only wrote stuff that is at least personally useful for me and VSC doesnt do with existing plugins
multi-highlight and wrap in pulumi.all, etc. Just very useful day to day stuff ...personally. Not sure if others would find it useful.
Good stuff, sounds useful. Have you seen #contribute?
I have not! Didn't get added to that by default. Lemme peep it ;D
If you want to share the code and host it in a Pulumi-adjacent repository, the place to look is #pulumiverse
Assuming that you like the look of https://github.com/pulumiverse
Checking it out now!
It mentions to make an issue - is this something I'd open a repo for and link to in essence?
Is this in Pulumiverse? No, you'd make an issue to get your repo added to the docs, or maybe to have a repo added to the Pulumiverse org. So I thought the place to do that would be https://github.com/pulumiverse/pulumiverse, but I don't see any issues there, so probably not? Maybe just ask in #pulumiverse. Ringo or Simen will know.,
Sounds good! Put it on my calendar to handle next week after work hours. Hopefully other folks find the stuff helpful. Thank you for your time
My pleasure! Looking forward to trying the plugin out. Plugout?
😂 pretty much!