I deployed once using pulumi to a home built k8s c...
# getting-started
I deployed once using pulumi to a home built k8s cluster. I have another machine I'd like to use pulumi with, but refresh doesn't import anything. If I try to destroy the deployments using pulumi, it doesn't see them. Any advice on moving forward?
i'm guessing i should create an import script and run it before bringing in other machines to deploy from?
pulumi refresh
pulumi destroy
only effect resources that are managed by the Pulumi stack they are applied to. If you have a bunch of existing stuff deployed that you would like Pulumi to manage, you will need to import it.
gotcha. got importing services, but i'm having touble importing deploymenets
pulumi import --stack dev -y kubernetes:core/v1:Deployment demo default/demo
isn't importing my depoy named
We have effectively reached the end of my k8s knowledge, but I can take a look if it is a generic Pulumi error. When you run the ☝️ import command, what happens?
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/app/src # pulumi import --stack dev -y kubernetes:core/v1:Deployment demo default/demo
Previewing import (dev):
     Type                              Name   Plan       Info  
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack               demo             1 error
 =   └─ kubernetes:core/v1:Deployment  demo   import     1 error

  kubernetes:core/v1:Deployment (demo):
    error: Preview failed: resource 'default/[secret]' does not exist

  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (demo-dev):
    error: preview failed
The names are probably not matching up
It looks like your using everything correctly as far as I can tell. If the deploy is named
in k8s, I would try this if you haven’t already (just to see if it works):
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pulumi import --stack dev -y kubernetes:core/v1:Deployment demo demo
We have definitely reached the end of my knowledge. If someone else knows, please jump in. I would ask in #kubernetes, I think your odds of finding a more knowledgeable k8s user are higher their.
will do. i thought i need the namepace in there, but i tried w/o and got similar results. wish me luck 🤞
Found out the problem
if you do an
up -d
, the types are right there. I edited from
when it should be
Doing an up -d shows the right types, and I botched editing
I’m glad you got it working.
how do you deploy on local hardware?