Stupid question: How am I to interpret this output...
# general
Stupid question: How am I to interpret this output from the preview? I'm removing a subnet from a vnet, but my web app which is scoped to different subnet within the same vnet is giving me this change.
Copy code
~ virtualNetworkSubnetId: "/subscriptions/redacted/resourceGroups/rg-e1-web-apps-production/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-e1-web-app-services/subnets/snet-e1-web-application-integrations" => output<string>
Is this in a
pulumi preview
? You can't see it until the
completes. If the value doesn't change, then the resource won't be changed.
Yeah, this is in a preview. I'm just not understanding the behavior. I'm referencing an index and I'm thinking this is causing some reference recreation? The subnet ID shouldn't change, so output should remain unchanged, it's just making me nervous that I can't tell what it's going to do.
Yes, you get used to it. It happens when Pulumi can't be certain that the value won't change. Most of the time (in my experience) it doesn't change.. they're a bit conservative.