Don't mean for this be a rant post, hoping it can ...
# general
Don't mean for this be a rant post, hoping it can be taken as feedback. Pulumi's reliance on Pulumi AI to populate help articles has started completely dissuading me from clicking on any link that comes up in search results. The answers being given by the AI are generally unhelpful at best or completely non-functional at worst. Would love to see some somewhat more comprehensive human documentation being produced to common problems.
Hey Chris! We appreciate your feedback (honest feedback is the only way to improve). The team behind the AI Answers site is currently evaluating what steps they can take to address the unhelpful/non-functional answers, so…in short, we’re working on it! (For the record, we also have humans working on improving and expanding the docs, too.)
Yes, thanks for this feedback, and big apologies for the poor experience here. As Scott says, we’re definitely working on it. World you mind sharing what sorts of search terms you’re using? Knowing this world help us focus on addressing the more problematic topic areas first.
Glad to hear you're taking the feedback onboard! For the most part recently I've been seeking help with pulumi_kubernetes around inputs to ConfigGroups/ConfigFiles/helm charts, which I can understand can be a bit trickier. But also recently trying to get some clarity on some odd behaviours around the handling of dependencies where I expect Pulumi to automatically set the dependency tree but it isn't (specifically around security groups and rules in this case)
Thanks so much, this definitely helps (and is in line with my expectations). Will let you know when we have more to share!