Hello, I'm new to Pulumi CLI and I'm using the `pu...
# getting-started
Hello, I'm new to Pulumi CLI and I'm using the
package for the first time. I'm using the bulk import operation to import my snowflake state. Even though I execute the command once where I try to bulk import say 10 resources, each resource will authenticate my user twice (once for the preview and another for the import), so a total of 20 authentication sessions are opened via my external browser and I end up hitting a rate limit. How do I get pulumi to keep one client connection alive?
Looks like the issue stems from terraform-provider-snowflake https://github.com/Snowflake-Labs/terraform-provider-snowflake/issues/1700
are there any other ways to authenticate? that seems really odd that your authentication isn't cached somewhere
Looks like you can auth via a few methods.


Thanks Doug, I ended up switching to another auth method