Hey, once again: Does anybody know how I can gener...
# getting-started
Hey, once again: Does anybody know how I can generate a yaml-template with secrets that I am getting from config?
Copy code
from pulumi import Config

password = config.require_secret("password")

def read_config(tpl, substitutes):
    with open(tpl, "r") as template:
        yml = template.read()
        yml = string.Template(yml)
        yml = yml.substitute(substitutes)
        sp = subprocess.run(["butane"], input=yml, shell=True, capture_output=True, encoding='utf8')
        if sp.returncode == 0:
            return str(base64.b64encode(sp.stdout.encode('ascii')), encoding='ascii')
            log.error('Failed to run butane')

print(read_config("tpl.yaml", {"password": password})
Is this even possible with Pulumi? Do I have to work around Pulumi here? I am seeing no way around this? I was trying
but I never get my password anywhere as plain text...
Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 17.09.09.png
Thank you!
Just one question... Is it necessary to use
for that? I just want to feed the yaml as string into the pulumi vm resource and don't need a file for that? Just seeing that it does not work straightforward with my code above. (Sorry, noob in python). Anything preventing me from using the
as above?
ok, got it working