So after spending quite a bit of time building out...
# golang
So after spending quite a bit of time building out my new ECS cluster and associated network resources (vpcs, subnets, etc) in Pulumi with Go, I'm starting to feel like I made a grave error lol....Looking through my codebase it is extremely verbose and seems excessively complicated given the relatively simple use case. I missed a few things in the process of building this out that I normally wouldn't have adding a good amount of time to this project and ultimately I think I could have done this in 1/10 of the time with Terraform (granted, I'm very familiar with Terraform but I'm also not necessarily a Go newbie). I'm tempted to either 1.) Return to Terraform or 2.) Switch to Typescript for Pulumi. Anyone have thoughts? Is there a good reason I should stay the course or is Go just really not an ideal language for Pulumi?
Go is notoriously verbose, its a feature of that language- but, you are trading that verbosity for flexibility that you would not have in terraform. I would definitely suggest doing a project in TS, its a delightful language for doing IaC (not just Pulumi, CDK also).
Thanks James, I might give that a try, hopefully the migration from Go to TS for my project won't be too bad.
Likely something chatgpt could help with 😆
Also, keep in mind that Pulumi interop with terraform is first-class (it literally uses terraform providers from the community), so it doesn't have to be an either-or... here is an good (and only slightly biased) comparison, which touches on things like using terraform state in pulumi:
Dang well I will try again later on but pulumi AI doesn't like question on either model
Copy code
We're having trouble handling that request. Please try again, or choose another model.
In theory this seems like it would be very helpful though