Hello, very inexperienced with IaC and Pulumi and ...
# getting-started
Hello, very inexperienced with IaC and Pulumi and I'm probably getting ahead of myself here, but I wanted the ability to create GCP projects using Pulumi and add billing etc. The demos and initial cli setup operation assume that such things are already set up. I was wondering if someone could point me to some resources on this topic.
Hi David. Im not entirely sure what your asking. Setup of GCP account and billing?
I was after a programmatic solution. Let's say user
makes a merge request and I want to spin up a temporary project
and only allow the merge to proceed if the deploy is successful. In this case the GCP project would need to be spun up, billing assigned, apis enabled, etc. The demos provided by Pulumi appear to assume the project is already setup. This is a bit advanced for me, but I wanted to do some reading.
What provider are you using ? (classic or native) / native does support project creation and billing ac/info (not 100% sure for an independent project without a parent project)