<#CQ2QFLNFL|dotnet> I'm trying to use DefaultAzure...
# dotnet
#dotnet I'm trying to use DefaultAzureCredential in order to be able to update a keyvault record within the context of Pulumi. However when I call new DefaultAzureCredential the code seems to fail without any output. The pulumi app continues to execute but I don't get any more logged info after that line of code. Has anyone seen that before?
What identity are you expecting DefaultAzureCredential to run as? If you want to make sure its the same as the Pulumi Provider you can use GetClientConfig.
I guess I expected to execute the same as it does outside the pulumi context. I was expecting when it runs on my laptop it would run as me and when it would run in a pipeline it would identify as the pipeline.
Are you trying to update keyvault with pulumi azurenatvie.Secret or azure sdk?
Yeah: SecretClient
I don't believe DefautAzureCredential will have any effect on the Pulumi Azure Native Provider. There's a way to use explicit providers https://www.pulumi.com/docs/concepts/resources/providers/#explicit-provider-configuration
@bored-activity-40468 thank you for the documentation. I needed a jumping of f point.