I would like to hear the best and simplest way to ...
# getting-started
I would like to hear the best and simplest way to use Pulumi to access AWS Parameter secrets. That’s all I want to use Pulumi for initially to be independent of the secret store provider. Add more features later.
Hi @many-monkey-57230, Assuming my understanding of your question is correct, you should be able to use the `getParameter()` function to retrieve the desired value from your AWS SSM Parameter store.
@fierce-night-38522 ok thanks. And I will be also storing data as well.
To create a Parameter you can check out the Parameter resource page.
Ok, that looks good. In order to use these API’s do I need to deploy something on AWS first?
Hey Draco, have you had a chance to look at our Getting Started series? It provides a walkthrough of how to deploy resources on AWS using Pulumi. I think this tutorial may also be useful. Creating the SSM Param resource directly in the AWS console is also an option if you'd like to do it that way to start, if you were wanting to test the getParameter function first.
Ok, perfect. I will try that. Thanks