Would someone from customer success kindly reach o...
# getting-started
Would someone from customer success kindly reach out to me with a DM?
Just forwarded your message to the team
Let me know tomorrow if no one has gotten back to you
Sorry for the slow reply. I have not heard from anyone yet, or my apologies if they tried to reach out and it went to spam.
No DMs in Slack.
Attended two wonderful webinars with Josh, signed up to the platform, got contacted by someone, did the LinkedIn thing, and then … < >. We were unable to participate in your promotional program.
Hey Dixon, thank you for reaching out to us! How can we help?
We are setting up a couple of companies and we’re looking at Pulumi to see if this makes sense for us. We’re using Proxmox (for now) and we’ve attended some of the excellent online work by Josh. We would like to participate in the program you had going, and we’re not sure how to engage at that level. The two companies (for now, hopefully more coming) are Archethought Inc. and CoSolve inc. Our use case is to deploy a Docker-ized application at first on several VMs in Proxmox, with the possibility of deploying K8s in the future if it makes sense.
Hey Dixon - so sorry for the delay in getting back to you here. We were on our company retreat for all of last week. Can you share some more information about your company?
feel free to send me an email at jack@pulumi.com