i keep googling for pulumi questions and getting d...
# docs
i keep googling for pulumi questions and getting documentation that has code that flat out doesn't work. but my entire google search result seems to be flooded with these responses. new pulumi user here and it's creating a pretty sour first impression.
for example: https://www.pulumi.com/ai/conversations/641d8d42-0dcd-49ae-9cc9-4a6e0a360b75 this is a nice simple example of exactly what I'm looking for - except it does not work. there is no vpc field on cluster. i asked a question on this and got more hallucations.
There is a vpc property on awsx.ecs.Cluster, pre-0.40.1. To see it now, look at awsx.classic.ecs.Cluster. This isn't documentation: it's poetry made up by a robot. If you ask an "AI" a question like this, you have to be prepared to debug it. It is not definitive, it's not curated, and it's not documentation.
thanks. I didn't ask an AI (the first) question, I just googled a simple question and all the results came from pulumi and seemed pretty authentic.
If anyone from Pulumi docs can point us at the AWSX classic pacakge, that'd be helpful. I can't see it in the registry, maybe it's deliberately excluded?
Ah. Maybe we should request that Pulumi turns off that can-be-found-by-Google feature for AI answers like that. They're often wrong. They can be really helpful code templates, but you have to know to treat them with a mountain of salt.
i think that'd be a great idea
The URL on that page has "/ai/" in it, and the questions and answers are written in a conversational style. Which are good hints, but obviously not enough to be clear. There should be a warning banner on this sort of answer: generated by AI, use at your own risk.
when i search "pulumi create loadbalancer in vpc" the first 5 results are pulumi's AI generated documentation, and the 6th is real pulumi docs
Yea. that's not ideal.
At least it's not driving our cars (yet).
@little-cartoon-10569 Yeah this isn't the first time I have seen that feedback. The other times I heard that feedback was also from new users. It is indeed providing a poor experience. cc @miniature-musician-31262
dont know if this is helpful to you but you can add
to your google search and it will automatically exclude the ai results
thanks, that's a good tip