:wave: Hello, team! I'm new to Pulumi moving from ...
# azure
👋 Hello, team! I'm new to Pulumi moving from TF but despite searching everywhere I can't find an example (preferably Typescript) for creating an Azure ACI (container e.g. NGINX), uploading a config file to a File-share, making it available to the container as a volume, then starting the container. Is there anything that covers this ? All of the examples seem to include bits of what I need but nothing that works completely.
so here are my tips for learning specific services: • Use the Portal-provided JSON to get a sense of what resources you need and how they connect • Read through the pulumi docs for each resource and get a sense of what it specifically implements • Read through the Azure prose for high-level descriptions and features • Occasionally, read through the teraform or bicep samples for the same thing
Yeah I've been doing that and this is where its not working. All of the docs refer to a Blob Container which enables ne to upload my files. However, the container needs a File Share, unless there's a way to mount the blob.
Copy code
// Create an Azure Resource Group
const resourceGroup = new resources.ResourceGroup("fireflyResourceGroup");

// Create an Azure resource (Storage Account)
const storageAccount = new storage.StorageAccount("ffstorageact", {
    resourceGroupName: resourceGroup.name,
    sku: {
        name: storage.SkuName.Standard_LRS,
    kind: storage.Kind.StorageV2,

const storageContainer = new azure_native.storage.BlobContainer("storageContainer", {
    resourceGroupName: resourceGroup.name,
    accountName: storageAccount.name,
    containerName: "fireflycontainer",
    publicAccess: "None"

const blob = new azure_native.storage.Blob("fireflyBlob", {
    resourceGroupName: resourceGroup.name,
    accountName: storageAccount.name,
    containerName: storageContainer.name,
    blobName: "mytext.txt",
    type: "Block",   // type of the blob
    source: new pulumi.asset.StringAsset("content"),
yeah, dunno. I only needed to inject small config files, so I just used the secrets system.
Hmm OK I'll take a look at that
it's limited to something like 64k, but for just a bit of configuration that seems fine?
Thanks, I'll give that go
64K should be good enough