Hey, I'm having difficulty in getting secrets out ...
# general
Hey, I'm having difficulty in getting secrets out from my config. The secrets are listed, such as: config: deploymentnamedata namespace1: - secure: ---redacted--- I have tried the following method, but the secret is just returned as a string "secret". config = pulumi.Config() config.get_secret_object("data").apply(lambda asd: print("secret is", asd)) How can I get the secret out not encrypted?
Pulumi will redact secrets when printed, so you may be running into that. Try accessing the object and printing a character instead
Printing what character?
In the secret string. So
That prints [secret]
But that would be replaced with the actual secret when passed to another resource initialization?
(sorry, misread). Yes, when passing to resources, it will have the actual value
Okay, so how would i add a reference to it to somewhere? That way the only reference can be inside the lambda, which isn't ideal
Pulumi uses something called Inputs and Outputs. The engine itself knows how to resolve references like this when constructing resource objects
Okay, do I get the Output object somehow similar to this? config.get_secret_object("data.namespace1")[0]
The way you'd use it is:
Copy code
data = config.get_secret_object("data")
resource = SomeResource(
  ns=data["namespace1"], # or ns=data.apply(d: d["namespace1"])
the namespace1 contains a list (which now only has 1 member but more in the future). so the [0] should be there, right?
Oh cool, I did not know you could encrypt a list. TIL
So did some digging. However, I couldnt figure out how to get the config lists name "namespace1" out and the list of secrets too. I'm tring to iterate the data object such as: for namespace, secrets in data.items(): doSomething(namespace, secrets)
These Output objects are quite hard to understand since they behave differently when forced to string, compared to only passing the object as reference. Is there a way to know how it can be iterated or which fields it will have later on?
Outputs are generally not available when the main script runs, so you're not able to iterate on them to make new resources
Okay, so complex config values (lists in list etc) is not easy deal with? Could I alternatively just hash the whole thing into one string and then in code do some stuff to it
So you can pass the values in (or processed values) to resources, you can't process the values to determine whether a resource should be created or not. Basically, you need to know the shape of your resources ahead of time
Ah, that makes sense. Is there a reason for having the config hard to reach? The config should be completely decrypted and available without the future-like behavior, before the pulumi runs...
I'm unsure on the rationale for why secrets are Outputs. Normal config items are usable directly though
Okay. It might be worth it for me to ditch secrets in this case. To clarify: It is possible to process non-secret config values to determine whether to create a resource or not?
Anyway, thanks for the help ❤️
FYI for debugging purposes, you can use the
function to turn off the redaction. https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/python/pulumi/#pulumi.Output.unsecret