Hi all, I am having trouble connecting to an S3 ba...
# getting-started
Hi all, I am having trouble connecting to an S3 backend on another AWS provider. I use OVH and I want to move my backend to OVH's S3 object storage.
Copy code
pulumi login <s3://backend-pulumi.s3.gra.io.cloud.ovh.net/>

error: problem logging in: read ".pulumi/meta.yaml": blob (key ".pulumi/meta.yaml") (code=Unknown): RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Get "<https://s3.gra.amazonaws.com/backend-pulumi.s3.gra.io.cloud.ovh.net/.pulumi/meta.yaml>": dial tcp: lookup s3.gra.amazonaws.com on no such host
i try too:
Copy code
pulumi login --cloud-url <https://s3.gra.io.cloud.ovh.net/backend-pulumi> 
Manage your Pulumi stacks by logging in.
Run `pulumi login --help` for alternative login options.
Enter your access token:
but the probleme is i want use my
and my
not a access token. and i try to define a access token and it not working (i don't have a access)