Suggestion / Question: Would it be possible to add...
# esc
Suggestion / Question: Would it be possible to add another option here where we can use the current_project and current_stack in the subject sent?
That is an interesting suggestion. Is it something you want to customize ( or just make it part of the default claims? @able-market-62580 - Thoughts?
It is interesting and actually discussed (particularly as part of anonymous environments and the OIDC subject). Problem is that ESC does not have a notion of the context where it is being executed (even in the case of the pulumi cli) so it is not straightforward to make in a reliable way to be consumed as part the provider authorization policies
I am wanting to lock down the access to environments by stacks. Right now we have rbac that covers team -> stack and team -> env. I want to further restrict to what stack can make use of it
I took a cruise through the code earlier and I am guessing that the deployments get a little special treatment behind the scenes since it all controlled on your end
sort of, only in that case we cold rely on the deployment token to carry that information in a trustworthy way, on the other hand, it worries me how inconsistent it will feel for customers not aware of these nuances.
yeah i actually misread i think because of the formating on that page,
(jumbled the deployments and ESC OIDC together
ah right, still you are talking about ESC right?
i want to use ESC for OIDC
currently have team -> env and team -> stack
and looking to bridge the gap from stack -> env
yes makes sense
in all honesty i am being a bit paranoid anyway since if i give access to an env to a team they could do unintended thing in the stack the env was intended for anyway
true but it is a good usecase to track nonetheless (@plain-diamond-92898). I cant tell if we would be able to prioritize it in the short term but we discussed it a couple of times and disregarded due its complexity waiting for evidence that is needed
Totally. I think we should consider this as a case when we are thinking about upgrading our RBAC model.
Thanks for the feedback @brash-gigabyte-81569!