I've imported some resources into Pulumi's state -...
# getting-started
I've imported some resources into Pulumi's state - When I
, some imported resources are showing that they will be updated by a deployment, but there's no actual change shown in details. Is the 'change' in this case the addition of the 'protect' opt into the state and therefore just a metadata change that's safe to deploy with no risk of change to the actual resources? It's not super clear to me via the details given via the cli
Copy code
~ aws:vpc/securityGroupIngressRule:SecurityGroupIngressRule: (update) :lock:
                    cidrIpv4       : ""
                    fromPort       : 8080
                    ipProtocol     : "tcp"
                    securityGroupId: "sg-7d549d18"
                    toPort         : 8080
Looks like it was indeed some metadata. Odd that there wasn't a way to see what, though