Hi team, I am new to Pulumi. I’m planning to integ...
# general
Hi team, I am new to Pulumi. I’m planning to integrate Pulumi with our IDP Backstage. Is it possible to use AWS S3 as a backend instead of Pulumi Cloud in the backstage-scaffolder-backend-pulumi plugin? I checked the docs but couldn't find how to pass the configuration for AWS S3. Can anyone help with this, please? Thanks!
I haven’t worked with this yet myself — maybe @many-telephone-49025 knows?
hey @cool-london-92059, Currently not, or not easy. If you want this feature please create an issue in the repo of our plugin and I am happy to schedule some work around it.
Thanks @many-telephone-49025 @miniature-musician-31262 The current backstage plugin won't support self-managed-backend it will only support pulumi cloud right. if then i'll create issue in the repo
Nope! You could modify the Dockerfile of your Backstage to make the
pulumi login
when starting Backstage. I did not tried it, best would to have an aditional “scafolder action” called login
Cool ! Then I will create a custom action there I will perform the pulumi login with aws s3