Hi, Can I store objects in pulumi config? For exam...
# getting-started
Hi, Can I store objects in pulumi config? For example, I want to do something like: config: repos: name: visibility as I am provisioning github repos.
Yes. In this case, you would load repos as an object, and it would contain the various properties. The sections "Strongly Typed Configuration" and "Structured Configuration" have examples: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/concepts/config/
yeah i saw this but I want to do the c# equivalent of a strongly typed list. where my list items will contain repo name, visibility, etc.
I don't know how it works in C#: in typescript, the object that comes back from
can be cast to an interface and it works. Maybe someone in #dotnet has a more specific answer?
I guess this is the way: repossname: sss repossvisibility: ssss reposssname: sss reposssvisibility: ssss I'd be keen to know if I can refactor this.