is Pulumi ready for prime time? I just tried creat...
# getting-started
is Pulumi ready for prime time? I just tried creating an EC2 instance using Pulumi -> works. Now I terminate the instance within the AWS console. I expect that when I run
pulumi up
, pulumi will detect the difference and attempt to create another instance. Instead it keeps thinking and saying that nothing has changed? (this is on the latest version of Pulumi, v3.37.1, btw)
pulumi refresh
pulumi up
to detect drift
Thanks. I will try that. I'm just used to not needing to do any sort of refresh with Terraform
Yeh this is just a difference in default's. Terraform defaults to doing a refresh before every operation, pulumi doesn't. Doing it is slightly safer, not doing it is a lot faster. You can either call
pulumi refresh
pulumi up --refresh
or add
options: refresh: true
to your Pulumi.yaml file.
Ok, great! Thanks for the details on the options!