Hello everyone, I have a question about azure-nati...
# getting-started
Hello everyone, I have a question about azure-native, keyVault and WebApp. My use case is simple => I want to store a secret in keyVault, which I then want to access in the App Settings (Environment Settings) of the WebApp. Unfortunately, I create a circle reference when I try to do this and I don't get anywhere at this point. But here again individual actions I want to perform: 1.) new azure-native.web.WebApp(...): Create a WebApp with a managed System Identity and various AppSettings (Env. Variables) 2.) new azure-native.keyvault.Vault(...) Create a vault with an AccessPolicy for the WebApp created in 1.). For referencing the WebApp I use the outputs of the WebApp. 3.) new azure-native.keyvault.Secret(...) Create a Secret in the KeyVault created in point 2.) At this point it's over for me, because I want to access the Secret of the KeyVault in the AppSettings of the WebApp. If I now simply extend the AppSettings of the WebApp (see point 1.)) so that they access the Secret (Output Value) of the KeyVault I have created a circle reference. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to handle this in azure-native....