Hi I keep getting 404 after `pulumi up` with googl...
# google-cloud
Hi I keep getting 404 after
pulumi up
with google native while trying to deploy Cloud Run Job
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import * as gcp from "@pulumi/google-native"

const region = "europe-west3"  // Frankfurt, Germany
const project = "my-gcp-project"
const appName = "my-app"

const provider = new gcp.Provider(
    project: project, 
    region: region, 

const reg = new gcp.artifactregistry.v1.Repository(
    description: "Hello repo world",
    format: "DOCKER",
    repositoryId: "rid"

const job = new gcp.run.v2.Job(
    jobId: 'myjob',
    template: {
      taskCount: 1,
      template: {
        maxRetries: 0,
        timeout: "600s",
        containers: [
            image: `${region}-docker.pkg.dev/${project}/rid/${appName}:1-amd64`,
Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong?
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error: error sending request: googleapi: Error 404: Requested entity was not found.:
  map[__autonamed:true jobId:myjob location:europe-west3 name:projects/my-gcp-project/locations/europe-west3/jobs/job-255417b
  project:my-gcp-project template:map[taskCount:1 template:map[containers:[map[image:europe-west3-docker.pkg.dev/my-gcp-project/rid/my-app:1-amd64]] maxRetries:0 timeout:600s]]]
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Does a project called
yes it does, I created an issue in the native provider and it got accepted.