the IaC with Python on AWS presentation was very f...
# getting-started
the IaC with Python on AWS presentation was very friendly and easy to follow especially with the Output as JS Promise analogy thanks @bland-continent-32037
❤️ 3
Aw, thank you! 😄
👏 1
yes sure. i vote to give you a raise 💰
on another serious topic i am trying to set up a pipeline that uses ffmpeg. There is a good thumbnailer tutorial that I haven’t got to work yet. I want to add a listener to a bucket that kicks off a ffmpeg job (to get a thumbnail or any other routine task required)… i thought using IaC is a good use case for this. Also I am kind of pressed for kubernetes and thought combining code with it would be a good idea, but you mentioned near the end of the presentation that kubernetes is better suited with just YAML. Would you say that applies in all cases? Am I just trying to overengineer things by combining the two - IaC + K8s in your professional opinion?
Kubernetes isn't necessarily better suited to just YAML -- I usually write Python for that. But if you have a very simple use-case for Kubernetes, YAML is really easy to use, and if you ever find you need the complexity of a real programming language, the Pulumi CLI can convert it for you. Whether or not you're overengineering in this case depends on scale, IMO. K8s might be overkill. That said, if this is for a side project or something, I say overengineer it! That can be fun, and it's a good learning opportunity.
❤️ 1
yes indeed thank you for the clarification. one of the main motivators for me looking at k8s specifically is the free resources (and very cost effective paid tier) over at Okteto combined with the universality of k8s (I see it as a convention for authoring your own cloud environment once and hosting it anywhere). i would like to develop a side hustle doing SAAS with this to automate a friend’s manual processes for his business. so that’s the specific motivation for ffmpeg
but that’s cool about converting YAML to code with the Pulumi CLI. I will have to try that. I am in the middle of studying for CKAD to get to know Kubernetes well enough to actually work with it practically