is pulumi self hosted?
# general
is pulumi self hosted?
for my knowledge (i could be wrong), ive seen pulumi essentially acts as a tool doesnt it, they just communicate with AWS or your preferred vendor and provision their infrastructure right?
they dont necessarily host anything on their side, except keep a track of resources and deployments made
in what context do you mean self hosted
is it possible to fetch local git (hosted locally) and deploy to AWS ?
anything you declare in your pulumi project can be deployed
if you have multiple git repos, you can share resources using micro stacks (stack references)
export URNs from one stack, import it to anohter and use it like that if you have your infrastructure spanning across multiple repos
mind you, this helps in added security, and removes unnecessary deployments too
pulumi has to store the state somewhere, and by default it does so in the “pulumi service” which is hosted by pulumi - you are able to use open source state backends which store the state in places like S3 buckets or even the local filesystem, but there are some limitations associated with that
you can also self host the pulumi service, but you have to pay pulumi for that:
ah yes, thats true. it works similarly to terraform