Seems creating access tokens for my team is gone. ...
# general
Seems creating access tokens for my team is gone. Any reason why that would happen? Currently in trial period, but has signed up for a team.
I could create one just days ago.
Trial not finished
Team access tokens are an enterprise only feature. Did you select the team pricing plan?
Nope. I can’t change anything until my trial expires. Only thing done is add a credit card
Very small team, so Enterprise is not worth it. Hardly see us go past the free credits in the Team either. Ah well, will have to use personal access tokens instead. Meh.
(but still, sounds like a bug that the Team Tokens feature went away during trial where all enterprise features should be available)
that definitely is, i’m following up
our team is
if that helps
oh, I onboarded another dev into the team today. Not sure if that matters
Hi John. Thank you for taking the time to report this. This is a bug. I will create an issue and get this addressed.
the tokens i created earlier seem to still work, so not a blocker.
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Would be nice if team tokens were part of Team edition, though
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@chilly-analyst-14900 this is actually a consequence of our naming conventions, left over from the early days at Pulumi when we were naming our pricing plans well ahead of some of the features that are major parts of the software now. The unfortunate reality is that our “Team” pricing plan functions more like a “Starter” or “Small Business” plan and is totally distinct from “Teams” the feature. The “Teams” feature is an Enterprise-only feature (very ironically so) allowing larger organizations to create groupings of their org into individualized dev teams. This is why Team Tokens is an Enterprise-only feature, because Teams are an Enterprise feature. This is a really unfortunate naming conflict, and one we are well aware of. It becomes an issue around what action or non-action will produce the least confusion for customers--but at some point something will probably need to be renamed. We take customer feedback on these sorts of things very seriously; I know this is a pretty big pain point. Getting your thoughts here is a really helpful window into the customer experience, and I appreciate it. Hopefully this explanation helps clear some confusion.
Yeah, sure. No worries. Our use case is as you say a starter/small business (4 devs). We don’t really need any of the other features of the enterprise plan outside the team token. A team of 4 still don’t want to use individual tokens for CI systems.
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And as mentioned, we’re managing resources that are way within the free credits of the Teams plan. Going enterprise is helluva overkill.
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Will use personal tokens as a work around. Thanks for the detailed response, and hoping you’ll provide teams with team tokens in the future 🙂
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Definitely hear you. I won’t speak out of turn here, but our CTO Luke did weigh in on this a little while back--in short, this is also on our radar as well. Thanks for using Pulumi!
Where bot user would be setting up a new regular member, I assume?
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yep, that’s correct