Hey! I'm trying to do something very basic, just c...
# getting-started
Hey! I'm trying to do something very basic, just create an EC2 instance with Pulumi. I copied and pasted the example from the docs but they don't work. 😕 Here's my code:
Copy code
const vpc = new aws.ec2.Vpc("vpc", {
    cidrBlock: "",
And here's my error:
Copy code
+  pulumi:pulumi:Stack testproject-abc123-dev created 
    aws:ec2:Vpc vpc **failed** 1 error
  aws:ec2:Vpc (vpc):
    error: could not validate provider configuration: 1 error occurred:
        * Invalid or unknown key
Does anyone know what's going on? Thanks!
I initially thought this was to do with my auth key, but I verified they're being read
This is telling you that you’ve got a key in your provider settings that doesn’t have the correct name. Can you share your Pulumi stack YAML configuration file? Omit any secret values if you haven’t encrypted them
Hi - I'm using the automation api, so don't have a yaml file
Okay can you share how you’re setting config options?
Ah, I think you pointing me in the direction of my config may have solved it. I'll test a change real quick.
@billowy-army-68599 Thanks, turns out my config was improperly set. Fixed it and it worked. Thanks a lot!!
🙌 1