Is there a way to programmatically get the account...
# typescript
Is there a way to programmatically get the account/organization name for a pulumi project? I want to construct a stack reference under the same account/org without hard-coding (or configuring) the org.
You can use the getCallerIdentity method and obtain the account ID from the outputs
As far as i understand this returns the AWS account. The account/organization name required to construct a pulumi StackReference is the pulumi account or org name, no?
Ah sorry you said in your message about getting account information. Do you mean the organization ID?
Whatever is necessary to construct a fully qualified stack reference. I believe the documentation states it's the organization id if the project is in an organization, or the account is otherwise
You just pass the stack name in to the stack reference as long as it's in the same account. I'm not aware of a way to do cross account stack references
AWS accounts aren't relevant here, Pulumi has
functions, but they return the current project and stack names. StackReference has a
property. There is no way to get the org, project or stack name from another stack. @gentle-zoo-32137 Why do you need to get the organization name? Since you know what project you're in, you can safely hard code the organization and project values. I think you shouldn't extract this logic into re-usable functions that might be called from different organizations or projects. There is too great a risk of getting the wrong stack reference when moving code around. A value like organization name can be made a const string in your index.ts and passed around: it doesn't make coupling worse, and there is no loss of re-usability.
Hard-coding the organization and project name in a collection of micro-projects that depend on each other makes it difficult to later clone or move this entire set of projects into a different organization. For example, right now I'm working in a personal non-org account, but at some point I believe I'll move these projects into an organization. Going over all the code and modifying the hard-coded org name seems brittle.
Note that I don't want to get the org name of a different project in a different org. All I am looking for is a stable way to refer to another project within the same organization. For example, if I could pass a relative stack name (instead of a fully qualified stack name) into StackReference that would solve my problem.
You can import it from a single file. It's just an import statement..
Copy code
import * as pulumiConstants from "@mycompany/PulumiConstants";
// Get a stack reference to the same stack in the _Base_ project.
const baseStackRef = new pulumi.StackReference(`${pulumiConstants.ORG_NAME}/Base/${pulumi.getStack()}`);
That works if I want to change the account to an organization or move organizations, but not if I want to clone projects to a new organization (while keeping the old one). Anyway it seems like this indeed needs to be resolved outside of pulumi. I'll make do with this, and submit a feature request to support relative stack references or something
Since v3.39.0, the NodeJS & Python SDKs have a
method available:
Found that in the source code just now! That's awesome, seems like it isn't updated in the documentation yet