How to print URL of s3 dashboard in pulumi using t...
# general
How to print URL of s3 dashboard in pulumi using the java api
Do you mean the AWS console URL? You'll need to provide that yourself. That's not available through s3 resources...
would be nice pulumi api provide the URLs so that we don't have to remember them or even if the URL changes pulumi, pulumi can maintain it well as api
e.g if I am stroing some thing in bucket, I must know what the URL of the bucket and also dashboard URL to verify it online with lest confustion. Same with any resources I program with pulumi, be it k8s etc
I don't see that as being helpful. The resources are testable through their SDK too, you can test through that if you need to.
Always visuals once in a while helps too.. most times the consoles are so confusing not easy to view them without knowing how and where to exactly navigate too.
I belive if not dashbaord, s3 url etc.. should be known from pulumi api.. as they are the proprties of s3 objects
The S3 URL is available, you can export that.
The console URL is not.