Hi all, I would like to donate my Aquasec Pulumi ...
# pulumiverse
Hi all, I would like to donate my Aquasec Pulumi provider to the Pulumiverse GitHub organisation. https://github.com/dirien/pulumi-aquasec Is there anything I have to do? I already used everywhere “Pulumiverse” (module, package, etc.)
Hey @many-telephone-49025, I wouldn’t say “donate”. Even if your repo is transferred to the Pulumiverse organization, you remain the core maintainer. We will work towards adding at least another maintainer to prevent all your good work to become stale in case you wouldn’t have the time anymore in the future. For the next step: if you transfer the repo to me, I can move it forward to the GH org.
😄 Sorry you are right, “transferred” is the right term! Yes let me transfer it to you. What is your GitHub handle?
request is sent. Mega thanks Ringo
Awesome great! Thanks Ringo! Should I create an issue to get the artifacts (e.g. npm) uploaded to the Pulumiverse repos?