Hi there, I am bridging a Terraform provider I’ve ...
# pulumiverse
Hi there, I am bridging a Terraform provider I’ve built to Pulumi, but when testing the GO example, I am receiving the following error below. Any idea what may be the problem?
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  pulumi up                                                                                       master 
Previewing update (zscaler/go_zpa_app_connector_group)

View Live: <https://app.pulumi.com/zscaler/go_zpa_app_connector_group/go_zpa_app_connector_group/previews/882288d9-8109-46a3-a2e7-b12fee77dfa2>

     Type                     Name                                                   Plan       Info
 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack      go_zpa_app_connector_group-go_zpa_app_connector_group  create
     └─ pulumi:providers:zpa  default                                                           1 error

  pulumi:providers:zpa (default):
    error: could not read plugin [/Users/wguilherme/go/bin/pulumi-resource-zpa] stdout: EOF
Hello @acoustic-tiger-77630, did you build the Pulumi provider first and is the binary available on the path
? If the binary is in
<your pulumi provider project folder>/bin/pulumi-resource-zpa
, try add this location to
when running your Go example.
Nevertheless, I will get you in touch with @broad-dog-22463 who leads the providers team here at Pulumi.
Awesome. Thank you @limited-rainbow-51650 Definitely what was missing. My first pulumi provider is almost ready to go. I plan to publish in the official registry once it is fully tested.
@acoustic-tiger-77630 will this be an official ZScaler maintained provider?
Most likely. Still working out the details on my end as I will probably be the maintainer of it just as for their official terraform providers.