is there anyway to make pulumi to update/patch dep...
# kubernetes
is there anyway to make pulumi to update/patch deployment pod image instead of deleting everything?
What are you trying to do?
i am trying to deploy application using pulumi
Right. Can you share more details? I’m asking because the behavior may depend on what you’re trying to accomplish/trying to do. For example, you’re probably already aware if you change the image assigned to a Kubernetes Deployment then Kubernetes will perform a rollout of all the Pods, starting up new ones and deleting old ones. If you are using Pulumi and changing the image, then this behavior is fully expected (and can’t be avoided, I don’t think). Does that make sense? Any additional details you can share will only make it easier for me and others to try to help.
Yes i am aware about that behavior and my problem is sometime Pulumi is just deleting the deployment which is totally random if i am not wrong
Ah, I see. Pulumi is replacing the entire Deployment? Some fields can’t be patched/modified and therefore require a new Deployment, perhaps you’re running into that sort of situation?
I dont know beacuase I didnt pay attention to them 🙂
If you modify a secret or configmap with pulumi and your deployment uses it, pulumi will replace the configmap or secret which means: 1. Delete deployment 2. Delete secret/configmap 3. Create secret/configmap 4. Create deployment This all happens quite fast so is barely noticable but it does introduce downtime and is not what you would expect to happen coming from raw Kubernetes or Helm.
👍 1