Hei guys, I’m trying to set a policy for a lambda ...
# typescript
Hei guys, I’m trying to set a policy for a lambda to run post user confirmation in cognito and I want to give it permissions to just be able to PUT in a usersTable but I get this error My code:
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const confirmUserIamRolePolicy = new aws.iam.Policy(
    policy: JSON.stringify({
      Version: '2012-10-17',
      Statement: [
          Effect: 'Allow',
          Action: [DBAction.Put],
          Resource: usersTable.arn.apply((arn) => `${arn}`),

export const confirmUserIamRole = new aws.iam.Role('confirm-user-signup-role', {
  assumeRolePolicy: aws.iam.assumeRolePolicyForPrincipal({
    Service: '<http://lambda.amazonaws.com|lambda.amazonaws.com>',
  managedPolicyArns: [confirmUserIamRolePolicy.arn],

const confirmUserIamRolePolicyAttachment = new aws.iam.PolicyAttachment(
    policyArn: confirmUserIamRolePolicy.arn,
    roles: [confirmUserIamRole],

export const postConfirmationLambda = new aws.lambda.CallbackFunction(
    runtime: 'nodejs14.x',
    callback: confirmUserSignupHandler,
    role: confirmUserIamRole,
    environment: {
      variables: {
        USERS_TABLE: usersTable.name,
        REGION: region,
In the docs, I only see examples of
Resource: '*'
but I don’t want that. And I think the arn is not resolved at the time of execution for the Policy. Is this correct?
Your output isn't applied which results in a malformed JSON document
what is
Action: [DBAction.Put]
I think you have to apply
's arn
Also, you might using interpolate instead.
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fwiw, here's an example of something similar I have:
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new aws.iam.RolePolicyAttachment(
    role: applicationRole,
    policyArn: new aws.iam.Policy(`${appName}-lambda-policy`, {
      policy: {
        Version: "2012-10-17",
        Statement: [
            Sid: "DynamoDBCrud",
            Effect: "Allow",
            Action: [
            Resource: [
🙌 1
Perfect! Thank you very much!