Another question! As I'm moving forward on this f...
# getting-started
Another question! As I'm moving forward on this first pulumi program, I've reached a point where I'm creating an ECS cluster and I don't have it completely correct (that's fine, it's part of the process). But
pulumi up
appears to be waiting on the containers in a service coming up successfully - since something isn't configured correctly, that means it's just hanging forever. I can SIGINT it, but then I have orphaned resources in AWS that Pulumi isn't tracking and I have to delete them manually. What's the right way for me to deal with this situation?
How long have you run the program? There's a default timeout of 10, 15 minutes (something like that). You can change it if you need to (e.g. if your container takes a super long time to spin up, or you're building a massive DB cluster): The expected behavior is that Pulumi should exit gracefully and give as meaningful an error as the upstream API provides. (For AWS Classic, your mileage may vary - Native should give better error messages because it's a newer backend API.) Pulumi should never hang forever. If it does, that's a bug. Please submit a GH issue to pulumi/pulumi in GH if this is the case and include a minimal program to reproduce the bug if feasible. Hope this helps!
Ah, great - that's the piece I was missing. I was waiting only like 30 seconds, so I will tweak that accordingly for my patience 🙂
Oh no, you gotta wait a while, and that's not specific to Pulumi - that's just the time the cloud provider takes to provision/delete certain resources.