Maybe I’ve missed some documentation recently, but...
# aws
Maybe I’ve missed some documentation recently, but how is everybody handling configuration? I come from a Spring Boot background, where there could be a single place to configure everything via a cloud config server Is there something that could ease our transition into Pulumi/AWS similar to that? I know there’s a few options like • hosting a configuration stack and exporting configuration to your stacks, • using pulumi config The problem with just relying on pulumi config is having to config stuff in every stack as opposed to just having it be centralized. Maybe I’m dreaming but the ideal would be one central YAML that holds any global config, and then draws any secrets from AWS secrets manager. if i need to change a config, i have one spot to change it, and redeploy any stacks that need it. or maybe lean into the pulumi stack/config setup and have a hierarchical deployment flow where all stacks are considered downstream of the main config stack and are redeployed accordingly. Sorry for the rambling, just haven’t found something that really feels like we can lean on
or maybe even have it just be centralized config pulled in via the devops process? with an injector from SSM Parameter Store? Looks promising
So you want global defaults and per-stack overrides?
You are not required to use Pulumi config for config. If you want global config, you can do that in the normal way for your toolchain and language.
You can use Pulumi config for the stack-specific stuff, and a different config tool for the global stuff.
Given that this is infrastructure, I find that 99% of global config should be hard-coded, and the remaining bits should go in a vault or vault-like container. For example, I find SSM parameters suit many of my use cases.
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I think what i was trying to verbalize is somewhat related to this thread (though not nearly as hostile as the OP, what in the world) I really like SSM Parameter Store implementation and I think it is exactly what we need after using it a few days. It was less of an explicit pulumi question i guess, more of a general thing, but i’ve found some pretty unique ways of thinking about infrastructure and solving problems through the pulumi community and docs that I previously wasn’t aware of. so figured i’d see what everybody here was doing for it thanks yall! appreciate it!
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Yeah, all IaC shares this problem. We should consider a blog post on it if one does not already exist.
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