Hi guys, I am going to use dynamic data masking fe...
# python
Hi guys, I am going to use dynamic data masking feature in bigquery. In order to use dynamic masking feature we need to follow bellow steps. 1. Create a taxonomy of policy tags using data catalog - ( was able to automate using gcp pulumi provider) https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/gcp/api-docs/datacatalog/policytag/ 2. Attach data policies for created policy tags in above step - ( couldn't find a support functionality from pulumi) here I want to configure masking rules and principals. Is it possible to automate this as well using pulumi?
@stocky-restaurant-98004 Any idea on this?
I'm not familiar with GCP data catalog, unfortunately.
ah okay, Thanks @stocky-restaurant-98004
If it helps, GCP has this pattern where many resources have 3 associated resources for IAM perms: XIamPolicy, XIamBinding, XIamMember
yes, I can automate the 2nd point by using above resources, but looking for an solution for 1st one
Now, I am trying to call the google rest API in order to do that using pulumi local.Command
is a great fallback if something is not available in the provider. You could also try the Google Native provider, but please keep in mind it's pre-1.0.
Sure, will check that also. Thanks @stocky-restaurant-98004 for the support
You're most welcome!
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